National Test 2025

The CTF National Test will be held June 27th & 28th 2025 at the DoubleTree Hotel in Plymouth Meeting, PA. Our host is Senior Master Bill Owen and the Norristown Area Taekwon-Do Schools (NAT). Tentative schedule – Friday 11:00 – 3:00 Master’s Seminars, 4:00 – 5:00 Black Belt Test Questions, 7:00 – 10:00 Black Belt Physical Test. Saturday 9:00 – 1:00 CTF Tournament, 1:00 – 3:00 CTF Team Fights and Form competition, 7:00 – 10:00 CTF Banquet. All events will be held at our host hotel. Sunday open.

Click here to book your hotel rooms:

Check back for more details as we get closer.

The 2023 CTF Nationals at the Floresville Convention Center near San Antonio Texas was a huge success. A big thank you to Duncan’s Martial Arts school and Master Rusty Duncan for doing such a great job arranging the event and hosting us at the beautiful facility. There were four seminars / training sessions, 43 tested for 1st Dan through 7th Dan, and we had 178 competitors for the tournament. The GM Harry Plichta memorial award for best test performance was awarded to Emily Allen from Warcat’s Taekwon-Do. The winner of the CTF Team Fighting competition is Galvan’s Martial Arts from Brownsville and the winner of the CTF Team Form competition is Warcat’s Taekwon-Do from Corpus Christi. Both were awarded the CTF Flags at the wonderful Banquet Saturday evening. Much appreciation for Senior Master Bill Owen, Donna Owen and the Norristown Area Taekwon-Do School for setting up the CTF merchandise table.

Best break from the tournament:

Thanks again to Senior Master Tony Palacios for the great pictures! 




Past National Test 2017

2017 National Black Belt Test and Competition was a smashing success!

The event started with the Masters meeting and morning warm-up sessions, then the 17 Black Belts testing for Masters rank presenting their seminars which made for an action packed full day. The seminars were very informative and provided many good workouts. Next on the schedule was the test questions and physical test where we had 59 candidates give it their all. Test results to be posted soon. Saturday morning was the National CTF Tournament with 75 competitors trying to win beautiful custom CTF medals. The afternoon was our Team Form and Team Fights competition, we had 6 Teams in the Forms competition with Duncan Taekwon-Do from San Antonio taking home the CTF Team Forms Flag with a very creative form. Team fights we had teams from Pennsylvania, Corpus Christi TX and the Rio Grande Valley TX, with the Rio Grande Valley TX team taking home the CTF Team Fights Flag with some very spirited sparring! The final event was the banquet attended by 240 members of our CTF family, the highlight was Grandmaster Kang awarding his 1st ever 9th Degrees to Executive Masters Steve Davis and Fred DeStolfo becoming CTF’s new leaders and guaranteeing CTF a long and successful future.

A special thank you to all the volunteers who helped make this event such a big success and all those who traveled across the country, some driving, and the parents for supporting their children.

Most importantly Grandmaster Kang along with his son Charlie Kang, Grandson and Granddaughter where very impressed with the effort and quality of the CTF event and its members.

Click here for pictures from the event.

Thanks to Tony Palacios for the great pictures!